Supabase functions
Recently I started to work with Supabase, which I must addmit is a joy to use!, but I was stuck on some logic I wanted to do which is to create an organization and a user profile when a new user signup. So naturally I started to read about supabase functions which are PostgreSQL functions.
It wasn't very easy thing to do, since I didn't use PostgreSQL since version 9 and I didn't know about all the latest and greatest, but that didn't stopped me from Google Search it, ask ChatGPT about it, watching some YouTube tutorials, and read some blog posts on it - I couldn't find anything close to what I needed to achieve. So I put some old school music and got to work - play with it for hours while reading the PostgreSQL documentation, and finally I succeeded!
As I said before, I couldn't find anyone that publish something close to it, so I figure I have to.
The signup method is looking like this:
const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signUp({
password: localState.password,
options: {
data: {
first_name: localState.firstName,
last_name: localState.lastName,
organization_name: localState.organizationName,
As you can see, there is the email and password, which is passed to the signUp method, but the extrea information is first_name
and last_name
which I wanted to put in the profiles
table, and the organization_name
which I wanted to put in the organizations
table. And, of course, linked them all together with some old school foreign keys.
1. Tables
So, first let's create the profiles
create table profiles (
id uuid references auth.users on delete cascade not null primary key,
created_at timestamp with time zone,
updated_at timestamp with time zone,
first_name text,
last_name text,
phone text,
organization_id uuid references public.organizations on delete cascade not null,
And now let's create the organizations
create table organizations (
id uuid not null primary key,
created_at timestamp with time zone,
updated_at timestamp with time zone,
name text,
As you can see the profiles
table is the one linking between the user from auth
table and the organization from organizations
table. And you can head over to the Database tab to see the schema in a graphical representation with Supabase Schema Visualizer:
2. Function
Now it's time to create the function itself. The function should get the organization_name
and create a new organization in the organizations
table. We should save the organization newly created id to then use it when we create a new profile in the profiles
table, along with the first_name
and last_name
from the signUp extrea options.
create or replace function handle_new_org_and_profile() returns trigger as $$
org_id uuid;
-- insert new organization
insert into public.organizations(name)
values (new.raw_user_meta_data->>'organization_name')
returning id into org_id;
-- insert new profile
insert into public.profiles (id, first_name, last_name, organization_id)
values (, new.raw_user_meta_data->>'first_name', new.raw_user_meta_data->>'last_name', org_id);
return new;
$$ language plpgsql security definer;
The object from the signUp call is hosted in this new
variable, and the extrea options are in the raw_user_meta_data
field. The two separated insert statment don't share a state, but we need to take the newly created organization id somehow. To do that we declare
an id at the top of the function which every statement in the function and access too.
We returning
the id from the insert
command into
the org_id
variable we declared. Then we can use it in the next insert
statement for our organization_id
3. Trigger
Finally, somehow need to call this function automatically every time a new row is created in the auth.users
table, and we can do that with triggers. So let's create a trigger to execute the handle_new_org_and_profile
function we created above for each row in auth.users
after the database insert the row.
create trigger on_auth_user_create_org_and_profile
after insert on auth.users
for each row execute procedure handle_new_org_and_profile();
4. Summary
You're not all set.
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