Jekyll Starter Kit generator 3.x.x

585 words 3 minutes

First thing first, I want to send virtual thanks, gratitudes and hugs to all the people that star, download, use, and contribute the project! This is huge for me, you don’t know how much it’s affect and keep me going. Thank you!!

And for those of you who has yet to hear about the Jekyll Starter Kit generator, it’s a Yeoman generator for creating Jekyll projects with PWA support and a lot more best practices stuff.


1. Contribution

I want to call all of you who have an idea for a new feature, who have the general eager to contribute to open source, and the ones who have never contribute to open source. This is an easy project to get in to, and it’s pretty small code base.

If you’re new to GitHub, contribution, or even JavaScript, I would be happy to help you get started!

Social Coding

2. Jekyll Starter Kit 3.x.x

So, what’s new in version 3 is about? And why the hell we jump from 2.3.2 to 3.x.x?

Honestly there haven’t been much to improve, the project is very stable and is working for quite some time now. The reason we jump from version 2.x.x to version 3.x.x is because Semantic Versioning. By this standard we have to bump the major when our project introduce breaking changes, and when Jekyll update it’s project to version 4 they did some breaking changes (changes that force you to manually change things to be compatible with).

So when I update the Jekyll Starter Kit to use Jekll version 4, I also introduce some breaking changes, to mark this in the version number I bump the major from 2 to 3.


2.1 The Jekll update is a major change! But what else we have done?

  • npm bought nsp and incorporated it to npm audit. So we moved our security check to use npm audit --audit-level high before every publish of a new release.
  • We Removed Travis-CI and moved to GitHub actions for our CI. I think it’s much easier to write and you don’t need to sign in to yet another service, so it’s a win win. We also add support for node version 12 in the CI and remove version 8.
  • We also publish the package to GitHub registry in addition to npm.
  • All those changes break couple of badges in the file, so we fix them and add a contribute badge so everyone will know this package is actively maintained (and this badge is good for one year, so if I stopped maintain this project it will automagically will says it’s not maintain).
  • Update all of the dependencies and add the dependabot to automate the dependencies update process. And now that we have all the tests and a full CI system on GitHub actions, it’s easier and automated then ever! You can be sure the project will be update to date without any 1day security issues.
  • To make life easier for the contributors we added Issues and Pull requests templates. We also created CODE_OF_CONDUCT file.


3. Summary

The project has been updated, maintained, bugs are squashed and everything is looking good and work great! I’m really happy with it’s current situation.

Just one more thing. If you ever used or try this project, I’ll be thrilled to get a link or hear from you how you use it, and what it helps you accomplished. I want to hear about your issues and how this project can help you solve them.

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