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All of the posts are written for educational purposes only.

Like A Spy With Hak5 Toys

Nir Galon published on included in hacking

One of the things you always see in spy movies is how the main character plant a covert device to monitor the user computer (screen and keystrokes). As a kid I thought “This is very cool!”, and I always wanted be able to do this. Hak5 making it very easy to accomplish with a combination of couple of their toys tools. What we’ll do is to connect 2 devices, the screen carb to see the user screen (vi

Jekyll Starter Kit generator 3.x.x

Nir Galon published on included in contribution

First thing first, I want to send virtual thanks, gratitudes and hugs to all the people that star, download, use, and contribute the project! This is huge for me, you don’t know how much it’s affect and keep me going. Thank you!! And for those of you who has yet to hear about the Jekyll Starter Kit generator, it’s a Yeoman generator for creating Jekyll projects with PWA support and a lot more best

Simple Twitter - Chapter 3: Start Coding

Nir Galon published on included in development

In this chapter we’re going to open a new repository on GitHub and commit everything to it. We will learn about issues, pull requests (PR), branches, etc. And talk about the way we’re going to work with GitHub for the rest of the series. We’ll also start a new Angular application with Angular CLI, create the backend project with Node.js and the express framework, and install all the packages we’ll

Simple Twitter - Chapter 2: Planning

Nir Galon published on included in development

First thing we need to do, before we even start writing a single line of code, is to plan. Plan our MVP. How it’s going to look? What features it will have? Wha a user can or cannot do? Will there will be somethings a user can do without sign in? How our API will look like? How our Database Architecture will look like? How the client and server will communicate? Where are we planning to deploy it

Passive.. Passive Recon.. Passive Reconnaissance.. OSINT!

Nir Galon published on included in hacking

Every operation need good intel, and good intel is hard to find. Or is it? OSINT (or Open Source Intelligence) is the operation of collecting and analyzing information about a target from various sources. A lot of times you’ll see the terms “public” or “open” sources but let’s be honest here, this is false and that’s why I wrote various sources. This is not to say that hacking to someone and steal